Italian decor

Returns & Refunds

If the goods purchased from our online shop do not meet your expectations for any reason, then according to Italian law, you can contact us within 14 days from the date of receipt of the goods to exchange them for some other or to receive a refund.

We value our customers, and have therefore made this process simple and understandable for you - just fill in the form below and send it to us, and we will contact you immediately.

Please, remember that the following goods may not be returned:

- custom-made according to your specifications

- discounted

- used and/or damaged after receipt

- gift certificates.

After we confirm the procedure of the exchange/refund of the goods, you can send the goods back to us (preferably in the original packaging) using any courier service convenient for you. Remember that in this case, the shipping cost and the risk of loss of or damage to the goods during shipment shall be your sole responsibility.

After we receive the goods returned by you, we will replace them within 5 business days in accordance with your decision (provided that the goods are in stock) or refund to you the amount paid less the shipping cost.

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